Auxiliam is all about helping you
maximise your lifetime utility

Personal financial planning is scary and confusing which is way many people put it off.

Our solutions is not simpler nor is it faster, in fact it ads a few layers of complexity.

Auxiliam provides you knowledge and the tools in a structured process,
for step by step do it yourself solution on par with est industry standards.

It is the best choice if you truly want an indepth personalised financial plan.


Auxiliam's platform is feature rich

Auxiliam supports you in achieving your life goals, primarily by helping you solve for your optimal financial outcome in life. The platform has 3 sections, first is a knowledge repository perfect reference and learning at your own pace. Auxiliam Academy is a more structured learning platform with various courses. Finally Auxiliam integrated application is a software solution for you to implment what you learned.


Integrated Application

Holistic solution intergrating all your needs for a comprehensive financial plan. From basic budgeting to asset allocation models and tracking your investments.




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Auxiliam Academy

Structured learning paths, with video lectures, online reading material and practise sections to ensure you master the content and can apply your new knowledge in the real world.




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Knowledge Repository

Dynamic online text book, elaborating economic and financial theory with examples and interactive sections constantly being updated to enhance the reference framework availble to Auxiliam users.



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Life-cycle Wealth

Life Cycle Wealth is one of the corner stone principals behind the thinking at Auxiliam. As the offering is predominately focused at individual investors or advisor's to individual investors, it is the starting point to understand what one can achieve using this platform. Central to life-cycle wealth is the spreading of the income from one’s economically productive part of your life over your whole life. For the general man in the street one can break downs the person’s life into three financial stages:

  • Stage one is the growing up and getting educated stage.
  • Stage two is the working part of a person’s life,
  • Stage three is retirement.

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Personal Financial Management

Personal financial management is the first step in drafting your financial plan. This entails collecting information on your personal financial statements, cash flow, assets, debts, liabilities, education and emergency fund provisions. The focus is on budgeting and the short to medium term-cash flow need and the effective management of your debt.

This information once analyzed will indicate if your living within your means, whether your emergency fund is sufficient and highlight all other demands on your cash flow. From here you can focus on optimizing your debt reduction, planning your financial management more efficiently to start achieving your longer termed financial goals.

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Mathematics of Finance

We take the fear out of mathematics, with clear explanations and examples to help you understand your finances at an enhanced level of insight. As the saying goes a picture paints a thousand words, we will enable you to paint by numbers where algorithms paints a thousand pictures.


Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data


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Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a set of statistical processes for estimating the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables 


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Benchmark Related Statistics

Performance benchmarking, is the process of selecting an investment index, an investment portfolio, or any other source of return as a standard for comparison during performance analysis.


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Liability Driven Investment Models

Liability-driven investing (LDI) is a refocusing of the management of your assets away from an "asset only" approach and to an approach that considers both the assets and the liabilities specific to you and your life goals.

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Asset Allocation Modeling

Traditional asset allocation is about dividing your assets among shares, bonds, property and cash. The idea is to maximize return for a level of risk, using diversification. We go deeper to explain the underlying nature of each asset classes and propose a more modern framework.  The starting point is the three Super Asset Classes:

  • Capital assets
  • Consumable/Transformable assets
  • Store of value assets  

We illustrate why the traditional framework has two weaknesses:

  • Over allocating to one asset class - Capital Assets
  • Ignores an important asset class we see as the fourth asset class - Human capital

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Investment Analysis

The investment analysis section provides information on how to analyse financial products. Whether you buy a share, investing into a listed fund or buying insurance, it needs to be a systematical process. This section aims to teach you how to do it.



Basic theory on investment analysis

Classical investment analysis, from stock and bond analysis to philosphy and process behind investment funds 



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Practical application of the theory

We provide sample investment analysis reports and frameworks
Quantitative reports and ranking tables on actual funds


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Sections covering specific topics

Expand on base knowledge, to empower you to perform

Fund Analysis

Property Analysis

Insurance products

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Integrated Portfolio Optimization

At core one should aim to build portfolio's that has maximum exposure to different un correlated sources of return, while having a high correlation to you liabilities. Once you understand your liabilitess and the correlation with your potential assets you develop an integrated optimizaed portfolio.

  • Diversification among super asset classes
  • Diversified across risk premia and styles
  • Correlation with liabilities
  • Risk management around insure versus self insure

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Attribution Analysis

Attribution analysis empowers you to understand what contributed or detracted from your portfolio. The analysis is done at many levels:

  • Asset allocation decisions
  • Manager selection
  • Sectors invested in
  • Styles, Market capitalization

The aim is to see whether you are on track to achieve investment aims. It also helps to understand the nature of your portfolio. Whether portfolio or components of portfolio is acting as expected. If not it is area to focus on to correct.

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Multi Dimensional Risk Management

The theoretical background unpacks the nature and sources of each of the main risks your face. It focus next on the options to deal with these risks. With specific focus  on understanding risk products such as insurance. The models and tools helps you to develop an integrated risk management plan.


Financial Risk

Financial Risk is the possibility of losing capital on an investment, takes the form of:

  1. Market Risk

  2. Credit Risk

  3. Liquidity Risk

  4. Model Risk

  5. Operational Risk





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Longevity Risk

Given the rapid advances being made in the medical world and increase living standard, the risk of you out living your savings in retirement is significant. 








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Risk Products

Risk products is about transferring the risk (financial, disability, fire etc.) you don't want to assume to parties that are willing to assume the risk for a fee. Just like you need to systematically plan your investments and analyse where you invest you need to decided which risk you want to keep and which to transfer. Secondly you need to understand the price you paying and the quality of the service provider.


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Collection of financial calculators such as mortgages, loans, debt repayment, investments, debt, credit cards, retirement planning, asset allocation and liability modeling

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Action Items

Action plans that directs how you will manage your money to make progress toward your goals. Simply knowing what you want will not get you there: you need a real plan to make it happen, with clear goals and actionable steps that can be measured and tracked

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